Snake Bean

Indian Snake Bean


From $3.00

(Trichosanthes cucumerina)

Also known as serpent gourd, snake bean is an annual climbing plant producing vines up to 15 foot long that can sprawl over the ground or climb on trellises for support. It has edible fruits, young shoots and leaves, plus has medicinal properties.

The fruit of this Indian variety has extra long edible fruits that are most often eaten in stews and curries or as a cooked vegetable like green beans. Mature fruits become bitter and inedible but the red pulp inside the fully mature fruits is edible and tastes very similar to tomato sauce. Leaves and young shoots can also be cooked as a vegetable. The vines, fruit and fringed flowers are very ornamental and add beauty to a garden.

It grows best in full sun, warm temperatures, and can not tolerate frost.

This seed was grown naturally here at Full Sky Farm

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